Thursday, July 4, 2013

Brancis, MO:: Bears in Nature

A big part of our road trip was spent enjoying the great outdoors. One of the greatest gifts my mom ever gave me was an appreciation of God's creation. There is just so much beauty in nature. So of course when we spotted this little waterfall at the Arkansas-Missouri border we had to stop and take it in.

On day two of our trip we hit up Branson Landing. It's a great outdoor shopping center right on a lake. It's anchored with Bass Pro Shop where my little model had to pose witha grizzly bear, because we love all Grizz.

Then we went to build a bear and she picked out her on bear to love and cuddle. 

Adding a kiss to her heart
Now getting the heart nice and warm

Putting the heart in

Giving her a " bath"

All done! Posing with Gamma
 Next we took a trip on "The Ducks" these are those touristy things that start out as a truck on land then they drive into the water and it becomes a boat tour. Super fun.
Wes getting ready to eat her duck on the Duck.

Waking up after a quick nap,  surprisingly a tour of downtown Branson did not hold her attention.

Woke up just in time to get to drive the boat! 
Getting a little over confident, captain had to step in

Now a licensed Duck Boat Captain!

As you can see the second day was a blast. Relaxing, tousity, natury, just ducky!

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