Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why I can't believe

The season of Lent is here. And no matter how you personally observe, it is a great time for personal reflection of your faith and your beliefs. Or maybe your lack of faith and lack of beliefs?

Even as a person who grew up in church I am starting to realize I have no idea what I believe.

Let me try again.

 I believe it is better to love than hate. I believe Jesus died for me and I am a child of God. I believe Christians desire and need community. I believe in grace. I believe I don't have to have all the answers.

It's not like I've never read my bible. I've been to youth group. I read the books. I did the bible study classes. But if I'm being really honest, which is what I'm trying to do. I have a tendency to "believe" the last passionate speaker I heard when it comes to doctrine. If that is the right word? What I mean is the absolute rights and wrongs. Are there absolute rights and wrongs? I feel grey.

And, again just being honest, I am kinda jaded about it all. I went through a time (past 4-5 years) where I was so sick of being told what is right and wrong, while seeing elitism, pretension and falsity in the church. I was kinda done. I was content to be loving toward others, trying to be a decent human being and teaching my child that God loved us. I was content not attending a church because every time I was there I was judging and questioning. Not in a good inner way, but a very very bad "I don't believe you" way.

Disclaimer: The churches we went to were great. The people were great. No one person or thing hindered my belief. I just never fit. I was the problem I assure you. Like I said, jaded.

So this summer we tried a new church. Again. It has been 6 months and I have to say, I'm diggin' it. It's different.

First of all the mission is geared to our city. Hello! Let's address the pain and brokenness of Memphis, the city I live in, that I happen to love. Yes! B. It is in my neighborhood. What a concept, get to know your neighbors, love your neighbors, improve your neighborhood. And finally, they are real. The pastor doesn't preach in platitudes. No one pretends this is the way it's suppose to be. No one thinks we are just suppose to be Christians on Sunday morning.

So I still don't have my beliefs straight. I still doubt. I feel hypocritical. I feel judgy. But that's what Lent will be for me. I am admitting. I am giving up my pretensions. Facing the reality that I am lost. But I know the good news, so I'm on my way.

If any of this rang true to you I would love to have you join us Sunday. We are starting a new series called Why I can't believe.

If you have a church home where you are happy but you have questions in your heart, there is a podcast each week. Access it and more information on Christ City Church here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Valentine's Eve Eve

Halloween is my favorite holiday, but lemme tell ya, Valentines is a close second. I love the decorations and colors. Which is one of the reasons I loved hosting Valentine's Bunco and making these 3D heart garland.

I also love coming up with Valentine's to give out, which for the past 3 years I've actually had a reason for, so it's been a lot less creepy.

The first year Wesley took paper, store bought Valentines. In fairness the kids in her class were just learning to crawl and mostly put everything they got in their mouths. So I didn't want to spend too much time on them,  just being honest.

The next year I had to redeem myself so I made felt conversation heart lollipop holders. TWELVE of them. By hand (read sewing machine, but still.) By the time they were done I swore I would never try to be "that mom" again. I was proud of them, but man that took a LONG time, for some 2 yr olds Valentines' (for the record I have no idea if I am suppose to make that plural or possessive, because there were multiples but the holiday is possessive).

So this year I had to find a balance. I wanted her treats to be cute and crafty but not take for-ev-er (Sandlot). Enter Pinterest. Yes I know, some of you are super over Pinterest. But just because it is overused doesn't mean the concept isn't awesome and useful. It does help you search thousands of blogs in one place and quickly fond DIY ideas. Moms, stay at home or working, have full time jobs that don't always allow for optimal, personal, original creativity.  I have some negative thoughts toward the Pinterest revolution too, but I shall save them for another post.

Back to V-day. Here is what we came up with  stole!

I loved this idea because it was not more candy. Three year olds do not need more sugar. And it was super easy. Especially when you are married to a ridiculously talented graphic designer! I did give in alittle and throw some conversation hearts in the mix. I liked the little pop of color it gave the bag. And you know I love a running theme. Conversation hearts may be Wesley's (whether she knows/cares or not).

I also made Wesley a shirt for Valentines Day. It had to match the fish theme of course : )

And one for Valentine Eve.

And one for our friend Macie Loo Hoo.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hair update

I haven't put a picture up for a variety of reasons.

1. I cannot stand picture of just me, they always look forced and awkward.
2. The older I get the less I like to see myself (just being honest)
3. The hair is not that different so I hate to get you excited about nothing

Everyone pretty much voted to keep it long and no bangs, even my hairstylist agreed. So all he did was add layers to change it up, but you can't really tell in a 2D picture. 

But for you go

Before (1/9/12)

After (2/10/12)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It'll grow

I'm going to get my hair cut on Friday at 4pm.

When I get my hair cut I have to repeat to myself, "it's just hair, it'll grow back"

I have an unnatural hair attachment, no pun intended. It's not that I don't want to get my hair styled though. I do recognize when it is shaggy and unkempt. But I think every single women has experienced going in for a routine trim and coming out with a whole new style that you have no idea how to fix and doesn't look like YOU at all.

So it's scary. Every time. Even when you go to "your guy/girl."

And since I have a blog ( along with the rest of the YOU CAN DO IT generation) I can ask you, my 4 readers, how should I cut my hair.

Please vote!

A.Blunt cut right at the shoulders, no bangs

B. Bob, bangs

C. Shoulder length, bangs

D. Side swept

E. Do something crazy new such as {enter suggestion here}



I have updated my designs page to include pictures of all designs I have stitched out.

If I have made something for you and you don't mind....I would love to feature the garment in use so email me pictures of your cutie please!