For Memorial Day weekend Matt and I and our good friends Cliff and Stephanie headed up to St. Louis. Our other good friend Dave and his girl Meghan live there and were gracious enough to plan a fun filled weekend for us. (Disclaimer: I am starting this post at 10:19pm so it will be unedited and rambly, but I have to get this one out)
Before we actually arrived in St. Louis we made a quick side trip to the Wal-Mart off of 55. Let me just tell you, whatever we needed it was not nearly as wonderful as this shirt.
When we arrived at Dave's house we had a drink waiting for us and an agenda. Man I love Dave.
In our packet we had tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals game, but not any tickets, 10th row behind home plate tickets! We had a great time, even though the Cards lost (which Matt enjoyed).
From there we hit up a patio, refreshed with cold drinks and got our second wind. Then we went to the best bar ever, Carson's.
Picture this, Carson's is about 4 x 4 feet and fully lit at midnight. It also has non stop karaoke and guys who wear t-shirts with neon writing, that say things like "Hot Stuff" and "I'm Sexy" It also had an older gentlemen dressed all in black that did Ray Charles' "Tell me what I say" so well I thought he'd come back as an old white man. It was a rockin' good time. But by 1am we were all beat, we had drivin' 5 hours, sat at a hot baseball game and danced the night away so it was time for rest.
Tune in tomorrow for "Magic By Night"