Tuesday, June 19, 2012

City Museum:: It's not a museum

Yes, I know this is a month overdue, get off me bro, it's summer break.

The final day in Saint Louis, we hit up the infamous City Museum. It. Was. Awesome.

I'll let you in on a secret, it is not a museum, museum. It's more like a giant playground for grown ups. AH-MAAA- ZING (Californian's voice)

I am pretty sad we only spent a couple hours there. Not because we didn't do everything, but because we had to rush and I am old, I needed rest breaks in between. I can only climb, dangle, and crawl so much. Plus, I was wearing sandals. Big mistake. Huge. (name that movie).

Here a couple of bad shots. It was hard to capture much, for a few reasons. 1. It was dark 2. I was usually shaking from being too high up on a rickety structure made of "found" materials 3. No one was ever still and 4. I was busy playing!

Cliff and Stephanie climbing 

What we had just climbed through

My monkey 
Spinny wheel


In the "museum" part

LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote, cause baby I'm a firework.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Magic by Night

Day two in St. Louis took us to the Chase Park Hotel in the Central West End neighborhood. We spent most of the day lounging by the pool and napping, which meant it was perfect. But later that afternoon we did venture out for ice cream and stumbled upon the world's largest chess piece. Pretty cool.
 After dinner we headed to the St. Louis Botanical Gardens for the Chinese Lantern Display::Art by Day, Magic by Night. And it was quite magical!

This dragon is made of china, not the country, the dishes.
See the plates?

The lanterns in water were especially magical.

For a $1 you could throw a "wish" into the Wishing Tree. I immediately saw through this scam, but Matt wanted one... 
After you "wish" you get to bang the gong, I think that was really why he wanted to buy one.

Remember these are lanterns, wire.....cloth...lights...sometimes dishes, that's all.

There were about 20 of these hidden in the bushes!

A picture to prove we were there.

The lanterns were super amazing. It was great fun, even with a migraine headache coming on, I was so glad to be there. The festival runs through the middle of August so you should check out if you are headed to Missouri anytime soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet me in St. Louis:: Part One

For Memorial Day weekend Matt and I and our good friends Cliff and Stephanie headed up to St. Louis. Our other good friend Dave and his girl Meghan live there and were gracious enough to plan a fun filled weekend for us. (Disclaimer: I am starting this post at 10:19pm so it will be unedited and rambly, but I have to get this one out)

Before we actually arrived in St. Louis we made a quick side trip to the Wal-Mart off of 55. Let me just tell you, whatever we needed it was not nearly as wonderful as this shirt.

When we arrived at Dave's house we had a drink waiting for us and an agenda. Man I love Dave.

In our packet we had tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals game, but not any tickets, 10th row behind home plate tickets! We had a great time, even though the Cards lost (which Matt enjoyed).

From there we hit up a patio, refreshed with cold drinks and got our second wind. Then we went to the best bar ever, Carson's. 

Picture this, Carson's is about 4 x 4 feet and fully lit at midnight. It also has non stop karaoke and guys who wear t-shirts with neon writing, that say things like "Hot Stuff" and "I'm Sexy" It also had an older gentlemen dressed all in black that did Ray Charles' "Tell me what I say" so well I thought he'd come back as an old white man. It was a rockin' good time. But by 1am we were all beat, we had drivin' 5 hours, sat at a hot baseball game and danced the night away so it was time for rest.

Tune in tomorrow for "Magic By Night"