Friday, May 6, 2011

Elevator high

Yesterday Wesley and I visited Matt at work. Matt works in the tallest building in Memphis, and on one of the top floors no less. He likes the view but I have a small issue with heights.....

So obviously we had to take the elevator to the 26th floor. I pushed the call button, doors to one of the 9 elevators opened, we got in and I hit 26. No problem. Eh, until the doors closed and both Wes and I quickly realized this elevator had no electricity. It was a pitch black box. I thought surely this one doesn't work and we will get back off. That's when the red floor number lights came on. PS, It is quite ominous to have only red numbers lighting up in the dark as you hurtle up 26 floors. I acted like it was fine out loud, cause Wesley is a bright one and knew this was not ok. She kept saying "It's dark, It's dark, I want out" Mommy thought the same thing. But after an hour, ok ok 20 secs of sheer terror, the doors slid open to Matt's office and we ran out.

I had blocked this terrible memory, from yesterday, from my mind until I read this tweet just now:

@ShaneBattier: As I sit here in the elevator that is stuck between floors and wait for the fire dept to spring me, it is a good time to reflect on the

@ShaneBattier: Many blessings in my life, most notably working elevators.

I'm with you Shane, I'm with you. My heart goes out to you in your time of fear and trembling. May God be with you. And Go Grizz!

1 comment:

Laura said...

OMG! Getting stuck in an elevator is one of my biggest fears!