Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't slow down

Anyone else feel like life has just ramped up lately? No time to sit still? Just wondering.

Since I last blogged we have been to the school dance,  zoo, I've had a viral stomach infection (as awesome as it sounds), I went to a training session at the Brooks, we made new friends, I went to a workshop at U of M, Blue Angels air show, celebrated a princess turning 4, warmed the new home of great friends, may have "joined" ish a church and generally lived life.

And go:

Perfect Zoo Day 9.10.11

My little toucan with the toucan

Wesley with Lola the Boa Constrictor
We are experimenting with our faith at an early age
Feeding the "lellow" bird
I will spare you the details of the next adventure, but let me say I do not recommend it.
I was picked up by a workshop at the Brooks museum I got to go to last Wednesday. Yes, I am a nerd. But seriously I loved it. It was all about this new way to teach kids how to think. Literally, there is a whole movement about how to make children learn how to be better at thinking. Turns out teaching to a standardized test for 30 years has produced a work force of people who cannot take initiative or critically think things out for themselves. So now we have new strategies to help kids think for themselves. It's called VTS. And I know you don't care, so I won't tell you how to do it. But I have used the strategies every day since then with every grade I teach, works every time. IT. IS. AWESOME. The end.

So as I'm typing all this I am realizing it is already past 10, and I have like 8 more events to go so FF...

Dinner with new friends, Wesley has two adorable girls over to play for the first time. She's wondering where play dates have been all her life.

Workshop 2: Orff Music=Wonderful. Nerd.

Blue Angels. Matt only. Super sunburned. Worth it.

Princess party, Madison turns four. Four I say. Remember the time she was born and I was there. Wesley was in heaven!

I loved this one, all the little princesses watching the blue angels fly over!

Happy new house Cliff and Stephanie!!

Yea new church (more to come)

THE END (10:17)

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