Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My friend Henry, That's Super Henry to you!

I have a tiny Kindergarten student named Henry (not really, but I can't put student's real names on the internet). I've had Henry for 2 years now, PK and K. I love him. He is scrawny and quirky. He turns his coat into a cape. And when I asked the kids at the beginning of the year what they go by, i.e. Christopher=Chris, Henry told me he always went by Super Henry.

Since I tend to pick my battles in public school, I saw no problem in addressing Henry as Super Henry. About 3 months ago, Super Henry began bringing friends to class. First he brought Rick. Rick is imaginary, but very well-behaved. After a few weeks of telling me Rick was there, Henry started to tell me he was also bringing Sara. So we had 17 regular Kindergartners and Rick and Sara, the invisible ones. I loved it, they answered questions, via sign language only Henry could repeat and interpret for me. They had their own squares and I even gave them turns on the instruments. Although they never took me up on my offer.

So today Henry came to music and informed me that Rick, Sarah AND Joe were here! Ok, I said great. We went about our lesson. They all did great, we played a song on the glockenspiels about the groundhog called "Fuzzy little fellow" in honor of the holiday today. When we finished all my darlings lined up and their classroom teacher came to get them. Henry happened to be one of the last ones out. He leaned to me on his way out and said "Mrs. Washburn, I brought three today because I thought you were ready to handle it, and you did!"

I guess I'm doing something right, if Henry can trust me with THREE imaginary friends.


Laura said...

That is AWESOME. I think tomorrow morning I may tell my supervisor that I brought someone with me.

mary leigh said...

That's awesome. You must be a fantastic teacher to be trusted with three friends!!! I laughed out loud!