Monday, December 5, 2011

The Party

I wanted to write this post 18 times over, but haven't had the time to think it through. Turns out I won't have time anytime soon, so I better just write it, even if it's not well thought out and grammatically correct.

We had Wesley's third birthday party on November 20th. This was the first official "kid" party. Where we no longer threw a party for our friends and Wesley got the benefit of presents and excitement. This party was all about her for once? again.

She picked the theme, Princess and the Frog. She helped create the guest list, which included 10 of her friends. She really wanted every single child she had ever met, but y'know, have to draw the line. We really did want to just throw out a blanket invite to everyone, but we thought it through and realized our midtown home gets real small, real quick when tiny people are running around it and pulling out everything Wesley owns. We also did our non-kid friends (which is most of you...hmm hmm) a favor by letting them of the hook on this one.

So here are some of the decorations. Big thank you to our wonderful Sissy for all the photos!

I made the banner, but the tissue flowers are from a wedding shower at our school. I know how to make them, but I see no reason to reinvent the wheel, and I am an environmentalist "Waste not, want not"

Here is the cake and table:

Next we have the wonderful banner my very talented friend Eliza made, she does the banner every year for Wesley's party, and she made the birthday girl her tutu as well! She's rad.

Because we are TRYING to minimize the princess obsession in our home. I choose to make the Princess and Frog theme more about Tiana wanting to be a chef. If you have seen the movie, which I love btw, Tiana does not want to be a princess at all. She works two jobs and saves her money because her dream is to have her own restaurant. So obviously I included princess stuff, but the favors were aprons, and their was a cupcake decorating station, and a chef hat assembly/decoration station, not just dress up and tiaras (we had that too though!).

Here is one little chef after creating a cupcake masterpiece. The hats are just a strip of poster board stapled together, and a piece of white tissue paper tucked and stapled in the top. Thanks Pinterest!

Present time was a whole new adventure. Like I said, first time with lots of tiny people. They are not nearly as patient as a room full of adults who want to watch a 3 year old take her time opening each present.  But here is a great shot of her birthday outfit!


Next we decided it would be great to get all the kids in their aprons for a a group was an epic failure.  But here are our attempts. In the end we told them the couldn't have the treat bags unless they sat down, looked at the camera, and said THREE!

All teasing aside, I think it went wonderfully. It was chaotic. Two and three year olds do not follow directions well for longer than 3 minutes. All the games were not played, and ice cream and chips were completely forgotten in the kitchen. But my sweet girl was surrounded by friends and family that love her. We were reminded how blessed we are. And I think everyone who came had a good time.

Happy Birthday big girl! We love you the mostest!


meghanheimke said...

Love it!!

Laura said...

Looks like it was a fun party! Wesley is so cute, too!