Monday, July 2, 2012

Obligatory Beach Post

We hit the beach last week and it was glorious. This time we were a little nervous because Tropical Storm Debby rolled in with us, but lucky us we only got rain the first day! We all called it a 'Florida Miracle', because all signs pointed to a rained out beach trip, or worse evacuation. See, Jim Mann (Stephanie's Dad) says "Debby who?"

We got 5 straight days of sun, sand and clear water. Like I said, glorious. And it was a good thing we had 5 days, because it took 3 to convince Wee the ocean was fun. She loved the sand, but decided the ocean was too loud. Matt thought it would be a good idea to just take her out in it, that was SUPER successful....
Mommy, tried to reason with her, equally successful. In the end, just like every single thing in her world, it had to be Wesley's idea to go into the water. And once she figured out she could, with a little help from her new friend Josie (Cliff and Stephanie's niece), we couldn't get her out. 

We had to force her to take "safety breaks" once an hour to get in the shade of the canopy, eat, drink and reapply. Man did we reapply! I coated that sweet baby skin over and over, but I tell you she is still evenly brown everywhere! We covered her every hour (LITERALLY) and every once an awhile ourselves, Wesley is golden brown all over and Matt an I have some tan, some red and streaks of pale white. Oh well, at least no one was seriously sunburned, I call that a victory!

Other than spending time in the ocean we didn't do much, which was fine with me. We were there with our best friends and annual beach travelers Cliff and Stephanie, and we were fortunate enough to also get to know Stephanie's family this year, who were at the beach this week as well! So nights were spent swapping embarrassing stories and playing games. Perfect I tell you, just perfect!

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