Friday, July 22, 2011

Fun Friday

Since Memphis Fridays Part 2, I haven't actually done any touristy things on an actual Friday because we have been super busy. (Wesley and I did go tot he Children's Museum of Memphis, but I did not take any pictures, more on that later.)

The first Friday after, we had my best friend Kendra's and Antonio's wedding festivities::

 The the next Friday Matt and I were in Greenwood::

And this Friday I am winding up a week teaching a musical at a church drama camp.

Despite our busy schedule, I did want to give my 7 readers a fun Friday post today to make up for my lack of learning about my fair city.

So introduce to you, who like me may not know about this trend, PLANKING. Apparently I am late to this phenomenon. It has been a trend for some months now to find random places and lie face down in them and have your friends take pictures of you. You then post the picture to the social network of your choosing and flag it #planking so that people around the globe can follow the planking trend. Matt explained all of this to me last weekend while we were sitting in the very elegant courtyard of our hotel. He then preceded to start planking, in between civilized guests entering and leaving the hotel. I could not stop laughing. So here you go, Happy Friday!


Mary Elizabeth said...

***Picture credit to Snap Happy Photography

Laura said...

Love it.