Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chattanooga Road Trip

As previously mentioned, last week was my school spring break. A lovely perk for dealing with demanding children 40 hours a week. And a needed respite so said children don't get hurt.

I have trouble being still and quiet, so when I have time off Spring breaks, summer etc. I have a to do list. It usually involves our house or school. I have built stone steps, re-grouted tubs, and finished master's thesis' during these 'breaks." And it always makes me feel good to look back on a break and know it wasn't taken for granted.

Well after I had Wesley, breaks changed. For the better I would say. When I had any time off it was time to soak her up. I still had to do lists, they were just shorter and didn't involve electricity anymore.

This spring break felt different though. Our house is pretty close to where we want it to be as far as big projects like painting and such. I am not currently in a class (shocker, as Matt discovered about a year into our marriage, I'm always in a class). And Wesley is in that wonderful 2 1/2 time were tantrums and "I can do its!!" abound, so I was kinda ok with her going to play with her friends at school for a couple of the break days.

So I wasn't sure what I would do with this blessed break. And the first days of it were cold and rainy and I kinda had a cold which made me want to do even less. The first day I had my dr. appointment and subsequent bout of depression and eating only lettuce. Tuesday I had lunch with the girls to celebrate my good friend Laura's birthday, which is such a treat since teachers don't ever get to eat out (I had a salad, and it was still fun). And my friend Kendra and I headed to the outlet mall to get Wesley's spring wardrobe. During these days I did make a list that I wanted to change some outlets that are worn out and sand and paint a dresser for Wesley's room. But both things seemed so easy I kept putting them off until the weather and my health improved.

And since the weather was yuck, and I didn't want to do anything at home, that made me suddenly very wistful for a getaway. So Tuesday afternoon I booked a trip to Chattanooga. I kinda asked Matt, and he was all in, but he didn't know if I was for real or not. Until he came home and we had a package weekend booked! We had hotel, tickets to Rock City, Ruby Falls and the Discovery Museum and we were leaving Thursday!!

I had Wednesday to pack us all and prepare for a 6 hr car trip with a 2 year old, and we had invited Micheal (Matt's 9 yr. old brother) to come along. One thing, Wednesday was gorgeous. Finally it was 70 and perfect outside. I couldn't spend the day doing all my house projects, cleaning, laundry and packing. No, no, we needed a trip to the Botanic Gardens Big Backyard!

If you live in Memphis and have small children you must go to the Big Backyard. They have done a great job and it's only $3 for kids and $5 per adult. We've been a couple times now and both times Wesley has had an absolute blast. She gets to climb and run and touch and see. Just can't say enough good.

OK. Done with the infomercial.The consequence of enjoying our beautiful day is I didn't get anything ready for our trip. And we had friends over for dinner Wednesday night so no prep whatsoever.

Thursday Matt went in for a half day at work and I was to pack the kid, the car, and the pup. It got done. Was it the best it could be, no. But our day in the gardens was worth it. So Thursday afternoon, an hour after we meant to leave, we were on our way!
Stay tuned for what happens next :)

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